
Here's how to download
your free eBook

Hello, and welcome to Think! BookBetterDirect.

In addition to the 2 steps below, we will send you  more material you can take advantage of.

For step 1 of 2, you should download your free ebook.

You can access that ebook right here:

Step 2: Now That You Got Your Ebook Here Are 3 Specific Ways We Can Help You

Since you downloaded the ebook “10 Simple Direct Booking Incentives that just work ” we make a lofty assumption… you want to start (and grow) direct bookings.

We put together 3 unique methods that can help. And we are making them available for TODAY only.

Google Search Before

1. I need help being found on Google Search.

Good news. The BookBetterDirect platform is specially design for this. Once you are listed, don’t worry, it’s FREE, the platform starts working hard for you.

Free eBook - 10 Simple Direct Booking Incentives that work

2. I want more bookings, without paying commision.

No problem. You have to get listed first. Once you join and promote the BookBetterDirect movement, your hotel will be also shown in the Chrome & Firefox Browser Extension. Automatically.


what incentives should I offer

3. I want to build Trust with Travellers.

Why do guest book rather with OTAs? Because they trust big companies more! Therefore we created the official BBD TRUSTMARK™ Badge.


Get Free Access to our full Direct Booking Forecast

Prediction 2022-2031, for selected European Countries.

Direct Link from OTAs

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