Information in accordance with §5 of the E-Commerce Act, §14 of the Austrian Commercial Code (“Unternehmensgesetzbuch”), §63 of the Trade Regulations (“Gewerbeordnung”) and disclosure requirements und §25 of the Media Act (“Mediengesetz”).
The person responsible for website content is Sabine Holtkamp – Managing Director
BookBetterDirect Ltd registered in the UK Company no. 13932517, is a start-up division of
Correspondence Address:
Florianweg 416
5753 Saalbach Hinterglemm
Contact us at
Bank: Bawag
Name: Sabine Louise Holtkamp
IBAN: AT756000000074696464
Member of the chamber of commerce Austria (WKÖ)
Laws re. professions:
Trade authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Zell am See
Objective of the company: IT-Dienstleistungen
Tax ID: ATU56218569
GLN (der öffentlichen Verwaltung): 9110002515479
Information on Liability / Disclaimer:
The operator strives for accuracy and timeliness of the information on this website. Nevertheless, mistakes and confusion may occur. The operator accepts no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information. The operator reserves the right to change parts of the website or the entire offer without a separate announcement to supplement to delete or the publication temporarily or permanently.
The operator has to “foreign content” no influence nor makes this content our own. The operator has no knowledge of illegal or offensive content on the linked pages. If the linked third-party sites are illegal or offensive content, then The operator distances oneself from these contents.
The operator takes no responsibility for the security of data sent via the website or by e-mail information of any kind.
If you have any complaints please contact us by E-Mail first
Online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO.
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS) platform, which you can find here.
All images are collected over several years. If you find a copyrighted image, then please do not threaten immediately with a lawyer but please write to: and we will remove the image immediately or label/link it. under Creative Commons Licence & paid Freepik account. Many thanks to all hosts for making this website look better than before.
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